Sunrise by Jenny Viney



DIMENSIONS (Height - 20.00 cm X Width - 60.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Oil on Canvas
GENRE Landscape
REGISTERED NRN # 000-1596-0205-01
COPYRIGHT © Jenny Viney


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Artist: Jenny Viney


ABOUT THE ARTIST___________________________ Jenny Viney... I had an early interest in drawing and painting. This lead to an observation of art from past masters and also the more modern  with a desire to document my own personal vision in my paintings. . I started in oil painting and have also experimented with acrylic and watercolor. I have painted at the En Plein Air days with the Victorian Artists Society, which have taken place throughout Victoria, incorporating both rural and urban landscapes, and also through my own personal journeys.

EXHIBITIONS    I have sold and exhibited works at various Art Shows throughout Victoria including:

Camberwell Rotary Art Show, Sorrento Rotary Art Show,  Lions Club of Lorne Easter Art Show,  Bacchus Marsh Art Show,  The Royal Melbourne Show,  Annual Hobson Bay Art Exhibition Art in Public Places 2011, 2012, 2013. 2014 (Sam's Boat Shed, Williamstown),  Paint in the Gardens Williamstown Botanical Gardens (People's Choice Award). Sold work in the 2014. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 Mission to Searfarers Art Show which also gained the  "People's Choice Award 2016 and Best Traditional Painting 2019, Bacchus Marsh Art Show "Best Oil Painting 2022" . Some of my work can be viewed on my Instagram page (#jennyspaintworks). I endeavor to paint the everyday urban environment I live in as well as forays into the Australian landscape and my desire to paint it.

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